Sponsor a sanctuary Rabbit

These special rabbits are under the care of Ivy Dene due to their complex needs. Help us look after these beautiful rabbits, by sponsoring one of them with a monthly donation. We’ll keep you updated with how they’re doing and money raised will go directly towards Ivy Dene’s mission to protect and advocate for rabbits in need.

Your sponsorship pack includes a certificate, pen, keyring and window sticker!


Sponsor Chipmunk and help look after this beautiful boy!

Chipmunk was transferred to us from The Bunnyjackpot Foundation to join our newly established sanctuary group. He has a pretty severe head tilt from EC, he is medically vulnerable, struggling to keep weight on, and we’re managing various issues from hypercalciuria, dacrocystitis and sinusitis.

But nothing stops Chip! He is bright, confident and vibrant. Chip is pleased to show us all how disability doesn't always limit quality of life, he just sees everything a little differently! He lives with Guppy, a sanctuary rabbit and Wilbur who isn’t a sanctuary rabbit but loves his slightly wonky friends!

Flounder, Mowgli, Zazu, and Dumbo

Sponsor the Disney Bunnies and help look after these cuties.

Flounder, Mowgli, Zazu, and Dumbo are four very special bunnies, half wild and half continental giant. Their mum, Mulan, is a giant breed, and dad—well, he was a wild rabbit who decided to visit Mulan unexpectedly one day. Because of that wild half in them they can be a little unpredictable which means they need to live as sanctuary buns. Each has their own unique personality: Flounder is the cautious explorer, Mowgli the brave leader, Zazu the lively dancer, and Dumbo the relaxed observer with extra-big ears. Being half-wild, they enjoy a spacious and natural habitat where they can stay true to their roots. Keeping all four bunnies happy and healthy takes a lot - so we ask for a donation of £10 a month to support this gang and ensure they can thrive, wild and free!


Sponsor Guppy and help look after this precious girl!

Guppy is a young rabbit who came to us as part of a neglect case. She has hip displasia which can cause sprains and injuries, and she has stunted growth which effects her in many ways. Her skeleton is incredibly small and fragile but with a huge appetite, her stomach is not proportionate to her body and presses on her other organs, making breathing visibly tough on her at times.

She’s on daily meds to help this and we will continue to monitor her closely to give her the best care possible. She also has jaw misalignment which means her incisors couldn’t wear normally and have been removed.

Guppy is a little ray of pure sunshine. She is very happily bonded with Chip and non-sanctuary bun Wilbur and never argues or disagrees with anyone, she’s just happy to be involved! She needs to be careful with her fragile legs which is an ongoing challenge as she loves to explore and investigate- she’s full of life and refuses to be limited!

Guppy would be very grateful for any donations towards her ongoing care.


Sponsor Larry and his perfect whiskers!

Larry is the Ivy Dene resident who has caused the most tears, stress, smiles and laughter. He first came to us surrendered by a family who labelled him as aggressive and just wanted him gone.

Larry had been kept on his own in a tiny cage and repeatedly poked and tormented by young children, a familiar story for rabbits coming into rescue. But we were confident that with a bit of time, respect and space he would become a loving rabbit.

And we were right. Larry began a long rehabilitation journey with Yasmin, his dedicated fosterer. Over time they built up an amazing connection and Larry slowly learnt that he didn’t need to bite to feel heard. It is hard to explain Larry’s character in the confines of this bio. He isn't an aggressive rabbit, he has a complex communication issue.

Larry now has companionship with Olwen, a patient, affectionate rabbit who was made for Larry. He is so happy now all his needs are met and he will have a home as an Ivy Dene sanctuary rabbit for the rest of his life, so we can continue to give him the stability he needs.

If you would like to contribute towards Larry’s day-to-day care and keep his toys and hay coming, please sponsor this special boy.


Sponsor Olwen and help look after this sweetie!

Olwen is a wonderful, sweet, caring and affectionate rabbit who we adopted from The BunnyJackpot Foundation as Larry’s perfect companion. She is currently healthy with no health conditions that we know of. She takes her job as Larry’s best friend and support bun very seriously and has a loving home with us as a sanctuary rabbit with Larry.


Sponsor Bee and we can give her the best life!

Bee is a wonderful little rabbit who came to us from a hoarding situation. She has extremely concerning blood results which unfortunately point to either a chronic gut abscess or cancer. She is having further tests so we can understand her condition more and what we can do to help. Bee may have weeks, months or years left and we're committed to making that time as happy and comfortable as possible- with your help.


Sponsor scruffy but gorgeous Tifa!

Tifa has had blood test that point to complex liver disease. As an older lop with poor body condition we expect she has a whole host of health conditions we are yet to get to the bottom of. Because of her extra needs Tifa is remaining as a sanctuary bun. We will be keeping her as comfortable and happy for as long as possible.

Buzz and Woody

Buzz and Woody spent five long years waiting for a home in an RSPCA branch with no luck so we’ve offered them a forever home at Ivy Dene with our sanctuary gang. Because they are half wild they can be a little unpredictable which means they wouldn’t be able to live in a normal home. Both these gorgeous bunnies eat a lot! So your sponsorship is vital in keeping their hay topped up.

Wizz, Oz, Fiyero & Elphie

Also known as ‘The Wickeds’ this quad of cuties came to us from Blue Cross. As half-wildies they can be a bit bonkers which means they would struggle to live in a normal home - so will remain as sanctuary buns. They are young and full of energy; running, exploring and eating. Seriously, they eat a lot! Your sponsorship will be vital in keeping up with how much hay and forage this cheeky gang demolishes.

Daisy Hope

Daisy Hope is such a sweet, calm and friendly bun. Sadly she is another rabbit with complex medical history. She has regular extended stasis episodes which seem to be linked to a recurring infection and a number of health problems including likely kidney and heart disease. On top of this, she has abnormal lung changes, chronic rib fractures and ear infections. We are committed to do all we can for Daisy Hope whilst she is enjoying a good quality of life. Her recurrent stasis episodes are costly and your sponsorship is crucial in enabling us to help her and treat her symptoms as they arise.