Our Story
Hi! My name is Beth – the founder & owner of the rescue.
Thank you for coming to our site and taking an interest in what we do. If you don’t mind, I would like to start from the beginning and share with you my story of how Ivy Dene Rabbit Rescue came to be.
For my fifth birthday, my parents made all my dreams come true with a baby bunny. She was a tiny black and white Dutch, whom I named Betsy after one of my favourite story books.
Beth (left) with Betsy
I loved Betsy more than anything. I cried when I missed her at school, and was fearlessly protective over her. Even at such a young age I would be asked by my parents to catch her from her run to put her back in her hutch, handling and communicating with these big eared friends came naturally to me. Six year old me was heartbroken when she passed away around a year later, and I remember well the funeral I held for her in the back garden. I have always known that rabbits were my animal.
Thirteen years on and lots of life had happened. I was severely depressed and struggled with a range of mental health issues. I remember one day that stood out from a sea of bad ones, my dad came home from work to tell me that his colleague had baby rabbits. She bred French Lops and would I like to go and visit?
I hadn't been excited by anything for a long time and before I knew it I was carrying home my own bundle of fluff, bright eyed and curious - ready to take over and change my life, Bellatrix.
Baby Bellatrix
For weeks I did nothing but research rabbits. I am not kidding! I soon realised that the 6ft hutch I bought was too small and I set my dad to work building a 60 square foot enclosure. When I found out the importance of companionship and how irresponsible breeding was, I adopted her a friend, Theodore, and bonded them with help from a lovely rabbit-savvy lady.
It was around this time when their bond was still new, that Bellatrix became very ill with an abscess that ballooned up over night. I was devastated. Her bond with Theodore broke down because of the pain she was in and without the knowledge and experience that I have now I separated them. At the same time my parents decided to move over an hour away. I couldn’t leave the life in Leeds I was starting to build with Rob, my new boyfriend, and was forced to start renting in a small flat. I made the very difficult decision of surrendering Theodore to a rescue so he could have the life he deserved with lots of space and a friend, whilst Bellatrix went to live with my parents. This has given me a perspective where I can have more empathy in the work I do now, for people who really do not have any other choice but to surrender a much loved friend to live a better life.
Over the next few years I fell again into a deep depression with anxiety ruling my life. I pleaded with landlords to allow me to have Bellatrix live with me but had no luck, and it broke my heart. My only interest at the time was my newly discovered veganism. After I had the revelation one day that I could not say I loved animals whilst paying for them to be slaughtered for meat, eggs and dairy, I ditched all the animal products within a week. When my eyes were opened I wanted to do more, I wanted to help them, but my demons said no.
After a couple years, Rob had worked his way up to a good job and our priority was to move to a house where I could have Bella living in a suitable space with a friend and we could have a new start. We were fortunate to end up in a four bedroom detached house, with more than enough room for everybody! My best friend was finally home.
Beth & Bellatrix
Not long after moving in I found out about a friend of ours who was struggling with her rabbits. She had bought two rabbits from Pets At Home who were of course mis-sexed, and with limited space to separate the sexes of the young rabbits, they quickly grew in numbers to over 20.
I was excited to help her out and be involved with stopping this cycle she was in, and get the rabbits into suitable accommodation and eventually brilliant homes. I agreed to take six from her, then to Rob’s disapproval I came back with 13!
I organised space with other rescues for seven I had taken, and the three that remained with my friend. For the remaining six I set up two bedrooms for them, sexed them with rabbit savvy vets, had them all vaccinated and planned for their neuters and spays. I was going to do this properly!
Within a few weeks my life felt very different. I had felt hopeless, and my severe depression and other difficulties had often left me entirely unable to function. The rabbits gave me a purpose and my mind started to let some light in. These rabbits leaving and going to their forever homes was what I wanted, but it terrified me. I knew I needed this responsibility, it was an outlet for my passion for rabbits and I needed to keep my house and my heart filled with these incredible animals.
And so I took the leap and Ivy Dene Rabbit Rescue was created. Named after our house, Ivy Dene.
Since starting the rescue I have successfully rehomed many rabbits. My focus has always been to aim for the highest welfare standards to set an example for rabbit care, and help break down the harmful misconceptions. I focus on quality not quantity, and I work tirelessly to ensure each rabbit gets optimal care whilst they are here, and that they go to well suited homes that meet their needs along with a well matched rabbit friend (or several!).
A few months in, I was asked to pick up a rabbit, black with a white paw and a perfect white dot on the end of his nose. He was petrified after being terrorised by a dog with nowhere to hide in his tiny cage. From the moment he arrived not a day has passed where he hasn’t made us smile. Thankfully he bonded well with Bella and they became inseparable. Wilbur is pure joy in the shape of a funny little rabbit and he was the perfect completion to our family.
Wilbur & Bellatrix
Two years in and after months of answering questions, rewording responses and countless emails back and forth this little rescue became a fully registered charity! We now have a board of dedicated trustees and a growing group of volunteers who are nearly as passionate about Ivy Dene as I am.
None of this could have happened without my friendship with Bellatrix. She showed me the close relationship we can have with other animals and the joy they can bring. She ignited my passion and love, and each day she still inspires me to want to share that with as many rabbits and their human companions as possible. Bellatrix’s wonderful spirit makes me want to help pave a path where these innocent, sensitive beings are respected in the way all animals deserve.
On February 4th 2023, after many months of battling severe ear disease which had done so much neurological and physical damage, we let Bellatrix go. I still do not have the words to express this heartbreak which continues to hurt to this day. She has left such a huge hole in my life but what she has inspired and built in me, is bigger than any hole and will continue to be the foundation of something much bigger than all of us.
In July 2023, we finally moved house and Ivy Dene has new premises. The possibilities at the new place are huge, and I am very grateful to have the space to create just a little work-life balance and separation so I can continue to work for the charity in a way that’s more healthy and sustainable.
My dreams for this rescue are sky high and I am excited to continue to share the rest of this story with you.
It is not an exaggeration to say this Rabbit Rescue saved me. A few years ago, when we first moved into Ivy Dene House, I would never have believed that I could feel this motivated, successful or fulfilled. Rabbits have given me so much and to them, I dedicate my life.