Petitions & Activism
We are just one small rescue, but we want to support and protect animals all around the world. One way you can help us to do this is by signing the below petitions.
There are so many petitions out there, so we have chosen a select few that are in line with our mission and the ethos of the rescue. You may feel that adding a signature will not change anything, but once a petition has a set number of signatures, the government have to discuss the topic and how they can help achieve its purpose. This is written into our laws, and so you can truly make a difference just by giving a few moments of your time. If you know of a petition that you would like to see added to the ones below, please send us a message with more details and a link to it, and we will see if we can add it onto our website. Thank you so much for all your support.
Stop the sale of fireworks to the general public
Many households suffer with stressed pets who have to be sedated or other means used to try and keep them calm. Dogs are lost when they bolt due to fireworks going off. Both wildlife and the environment surfer horrendous damage as well including many deaths and injuries caused to our native species.
Pets at Home, STOP selling rabbits altogether!
Every year Pets at Home announce they suspend the sale and adoption of rabbits over Easter, whilst they organise ‘fun and free’ workshops for kids to interact with rabbits in their stores.
Ban harmful rabbit hutches and introduce new law for minimum housing sizes
Imagine being trapped in a small enclosure for your entire life. Imagine not being able to stand up straight all day. Imagine eating, sleeping and urinating in the same space. That’s the reality for many of the UK’s pet rabbits.