

There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to adoption, but our flowchart will guide you through the general approach we take to matching you with the perfect bunny.

Below are the minimum requirements we ask of our adopters. If you believe this is something you are able to offer, then please get in touch to find out more about our current residents!

Adoption Flowchart_16x9_V4_web ready-04.png

If you can offer the below to any of our residents, we would love to hear from you:

  • A permanent living space of 3 metres by 2 metres of floor space, and 1 metre height as a minimum – this includes overnight. Rabbits are crepuscular, which means they are most active when we are asleep. Because of this you can’t ‘put them away’ in a hutch or cage overnight, they need to be able to run and play 24 hours a day.

  • Good quality hay available at all times. Eating hay is the most important aspect of a rabbits diet, and they need to have plenty of access all day and night. It is always best to have some hay in or next to the litter tray, as well as a couple of other stations around their area.

  • Fresh water from a bowl (with a bottle as an addition if needed). Even though pet shops sell bottles for rabbits, most will actually prefer to drink from a bowl. It is hard for a rabbit to get enough water from a bottle, and dehydration can lead to a multitude of medical issues.

  • Yearly vaccinations. A commitment to maintaining vaccinations and other medical care such as flystrike prevention is a must, as there are multiple diseases out there which the bunnies in our care need protection from. 

  • Never to leave a rabbit without a companion. Unfortunately our furry friends only have short lives, and this often leaves behind a solo rabbit. We ask all adopters to commit to ensuring that should a bunny pass, their companion will be rebonded to ensure that they do not have to spend the remainder of their days alone.

Our minimum donations for adoption are:

  • Single bunny – £100

  • Pair – £200

  • Trio – £300


To apply to adopt any of our resident rabbits, please complete our application form, and return it to us (along with any photos) to