

Hope had an unlucky start to life but thankfully she became one of the lucky ones who came to rescue young and now has a wonderful long and happy life ahead of her.


Name: Hope

Breed: Mini Lop

Sex: Female

Birthday: Approx. May 2023

Identifier: Light brown

Backstory: Hope was gifted to someone who didn’t want a rabbit as a present. They arranged to give her to a college but luckily Bunny Angels intervened and got her to safety. She was then transferred to Ivy Dene to find her forever home.

Housing: She would prefer to live inside as part of a household.

Household: Hope isn’t shy and would be ok in a busier house with respectful children.

Favourite Foods: She loves fresh forage, especially plantain and dandelion.

Health Concerns: None currently but as a lop, she will likely develop an ear infection at some point and 6 monthly check ups on her ears with a rabbit savvy vet are essential.

Personality: Hope is confident and friendly, she loves to be involved and will always be excited to see you (and whatever delicious forage you might bring)!