

Evelyn is such a beautiful girl with a huge personality, ready for the next stage of her life.


Name: Evelyn

Breed: Dwarf Lop

Sex: Female

Birthday: Approx August 2021

Identifier: A super cute splodge of ginger on her nose.

Backstory: Evelyn was kept in a tiny cage for years by someone with big mental health challenges meaning Evelyn was at risk.

Housing: Evelyn is currently living outside but would also love to live as part of a home inside

Household: Evelyn would be ok with rabbit savvy children.

Favourite Foods: Fresh forage, dandelion and plantain are her favourites.

Health Concerns: None, but as a lop she will almost certainly develop ear disease at some point. She will need thorough ear checks at least every 6 months.

Personality: Evelyn is very confident and friendly. She’s energetic but will also lie for hours for attention.