Covid-19 Policy
Due to the current ongoing situation in regards to Covid-19, we have had to make some temporary changes to the way the rescue runs.
We ask that if you or a member of your household has Covid-19 or are showing symptoms, that you let us know as soon as possible, and not bring your rabbits to the rescue for any appointments. We will rearrange any bookings that you may have for as soon as you are clear to come out of self-isolation.
Adoptions are still going ahead in line with government guidelines, but we are doing video tours of set ups, rather than home visits.
We are still offering all other services (grooming, bonding & boarding), but with the added precaution of no owners being allowed inside our property. Instead we are allocating appointment times for these services, and we ask that you leave your rabbits in their carrier outside of our door, calling or messaging to let us know when they are there. We will then bring them into the property for their appointment, and when they are due to leave, will pop them back in the carrier once we know you have arrived to collect them, and put them back outside for you to pick up.
We are washing our hands regularly, and deep cleaning the room the rabbits have been in between every appointment (we do this anyway regardless of Covid-19).
We are not currently allowing visitors in to come and see the rabbits we have available, but are happy to send photos and videos whilst discussing potential adoptions.
We hope that soon the situation will calm down, and we can go back to being able to allow visitors to the rescue, but for now we hope that you can all respect these precautions we have put in place, and do your bit to keep everyone safe.